The Palms Recovery offers Outpatient Treatment Services to those who have completed our Intensive Outpatient Program or to those who are clinically eligible. Clients in our Outpatient Program, typically attend between 1 to 3 hours of groups and/or individual sessions per week. They work with a primary therapist and our multi-disciplinary treatment team to achieve their goal of recovery.
Patients often have questions about what to bring to treatment. The list of items below has your privacy, safety, and well-being in mind. If you are not sure about an item, you may call our facility and find out. If you need more items during your stay with us, your loved ones may bring them to you at any time.
For members of the public who have questions regarding patient quality or safety, please contact our facility directly at (844) 80-PALMS, or write to 3444 S Congress Ave, Palm Springs FL 33461, or through email at Alternately, member of the public may contact Joint Commission directly at (630) 792-5000 or electronically at
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